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Van Hoogdalem's career in balance

FC Schalke 04's Marco van Hoogdalem could be forced to retire after being diagnosed with a liver disease.

Lactose test
The Dutch centre-back has Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC), an illness which causes bile ducts to become blocked in the liver, possibly resulting in the need for a transplant. It was discovered when Van Hoogdalem went for a lactose test in July and doctors in Germany have advised him to stop playing.

Two-year deal
A specialist in Rotterdam gave the defender a different opinion, as Van Hoogdalem said: "He believes that I can carry on playing despite PSC." He last played for Schalke on 7 May 2003, but spent time on loan last season at former club Roda JC. Van Hoogdalem returned to the AufSchalke Arena in the summer and was handed a two-year contract until 2006, although a long-standing hip problem has kept him out this term.

The club's longest-serving player, Van Hoogdalem was signed from Roda shortly after Schalke won the UEFA Cup in 1997. Twice a German Cup winner, the Dutchman has not given up hope of playing again. "I'd be happy to sign a document which says I play at my own risk," he said.

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