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Access to Colovray Sports Centre

How to get to the venue for the finals in Nyon.


Address: Route de Genève 37, 1260 Nyon, Switzerland

Nearest train station is Nyon (timetable: www.cff.ch).

The Colovray Sports Centre is a 25 to 30 minute walk from the station and two-wheeled vehicle parking is available near the stadium.

Take the TPN bus (paying) numbers 803 or 811 and alight at 'Nyon: Colovray' or 'Nyon: Route de Genève' (timetable: www.cff.ch, www.bustpn.ch).

Two-wheeler parking (bikes and motorcycles): 

Near the stadium, follow the directions on site.

Access for people with reduced mobility: 

Several parking places are reserved at the Colovray Sports Centre. Please follow the directions on site and then go to the information stand for further assistance.