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'All for one and one for all' in Portugal camp

Their place in the last four safely in the bag after just two Group B games, Portugal's Pedro Silva and Alexandre Silva already have one eye on next week's final.

Pedro Silva and Alexandre Silva of Portugal
Pedro Silva and Alexandre Silva of Portugal ©Domenic Aquilina

Despite being handed a daunting assignment at this year's UEFA European Under-17 Championship in Malta, having been drawn in Group B alongside fellow contenders Scotland, Switzerland and Germany, Emílio Peixe's accomplished Portugal side have assured a semi-final spot after just two games.

Enjoying some well-deserved free time the day after a 1-0 win against Switzerland, Selecção das Quinas goalkeeper Pedro Silva and forward Alexandre Silva – both on the books at Sporting Clube de Portugal – spoke to UEFA.com at the team hotel.

UEFA.com: What have been your early impressions of this competition?

Alexandre Silva: It's been a great tournament so far with some excellent teams. It's been very difficult, but this squad has been together since U15 level. We're growing as a team all the time and, like all the other sides here, we're aiming to reach the final. Malta is a lovely country, the organisation has been excellent, we've had a very warm welcome and I hope we can stay here as long as possible.

UEFA.com: What are Portugal's main strengths?

Pedro Silva: We're a very united team, there's a great atmosphere in the squad, we've got excellent individual players and everyone has plenty of character. The lads are all great as people and as players too. We always give everything we've got and we're always willing to do anything for any of the others. That's our motto: 'All for one and one for all!'

UEFA.com: Alexandre, has the fact your father is an ex-pro been a help or a hindrance in your career?

Alexandre Silva: My dad [former Angolan international Quinzinho – once a team-mate of coach Peixe at FC Porto] was a forward too, which has been a big help because, having played in the same position, he's always been able to give me good advice. I was never able to see him play live, but I've got video footage of some of his games and sometimes when we've had time off he's taken me training and given me a few tips.

UEFA.com: Pedro, you conceded just once in five qualifying games and have yet to be beaten here in Malta. How will you react if and when your goal is finally breached?

Pedro Silva: As a keeper, you have to expect to concede goals at some point – it's only normal that as well as getting the chance to make big saves you'll inevitably concede sometimes too. The fact we've only conceded once is not just down to the goalkeeper; it's also because we have a great defence and the midfielders and forwards all work really hard too. We defend as a very compact unit and it's very difficult for teams to threaten our box.

UEFA.com: How far can Portugal go in this competition?

Pedro Silva: At the start of qualifying, we kept our sights low. We knew we had a great team and a strong squad, but our primary objective was just to make sure we qualified. Now that we've made it here and we know more about the strengths and qualities that we have, as well as more about the other teams, I think we're good enough to go all the way to the final.