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Sahar positive despite injury worry

Israel's Ben Sahar was looking on the bright side after the loss to the Netherlands despite suffering a twisted knee that could rule him out of the next game.

Tests on Monday
The Chelsea FC forward was replaced by Toto Tamuz midway through the second half as Guy Levy's team slipped to a 1-0 loss. "I did something to my knee but I think it will be fine," he told uefa.com after the match, though the full extent of the injury will not be known until after he has undergone tests on Monday.

No other option
Sahar's absence would be a major blow for the tournament debutants, whose defeat by the hosts leaves them at the foot of the section. However, the player sounded a positive note as he looked ahead to Wednesday's match. "We defended well, the keeper [Tom Al Madon] was amazing, and we also had a few chances to score. But we have to attack more, to get forward and not just defend. Against Belgium we will be going out to win. There's only one option, which is to win.

'Nothing lost yet'
"We have two games to play and any team could still finish first or second. There is nothing lost yet - the Dutch lost their first game and won the tournament last year," added the 17-year-old, whose family will arrive in the Netherlands on Monday in time for Israel's second fixture. "They will bring us luck next time," he said. "I just have to make sure everything is fine with my knee and I am really looking forward to the next game."

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