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Pedersen decision rocks Danish preparations

Seasoned Denmark striker Merete Pedersen has retired from international football ahead of UEFA WOMEN'S EURO 2009™, though coach Kenneth Heiner-Møller says he will welcome her back if she changes her mind.

Merete Pedersen has announced that she will not play at UEFA WOMEN'S EURO 2009™
Merete Pedersen has announced that she will not play at UEFA WOMEN'S EURO 2009™ ©Getty Images

Merete Pedersen has retired from international football three months before the start of Denmark's UEFA WOMEN'S EURO 2009™ finals campaign.

Best wishes
Pedersen, who turns 36 at the end of June, explained: "It's not a decision I have made here and now, but the result of a long period of consideration and talks with Denmark coach Kenneth Heiner-Møller. I'm sure that if Kenneth fields a 4-3-3 formation, I would not be picked for the starting lineup and at 36, I'm not willing to be on the bench at a major tournament. I would gladly have done if I was still 25. I have great respect for Kenneth's decision. It's his job to choose the system he believes in and I have absolutely no problem with that. I'm not angry or anything, and wish the girls all the best, and I'm sure I will watch all their matches at the finals."

'She just has to call me'
The Odense BK striker has made 136 international appearances for Denmark over the past 16 years, scoring 65 times, and Heiner-Møller believes she will be missed. "Merete has started in all our qualifying matches and is a dangerous striker so of course I'm sorry about her decision to stop now," he said. "However, at her age it is natural also to think of one's family and job, and if the result of those considerations is not in favour of the national team, it's a decision I have to accept. I have told Merete, however, that should she find the motivation again, she just has to call me." Denmark face hosts Finland in their WOMEN'S EURO opener on 23 August.