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Seedings mean possible reunion

Inaugural Women's Under-17 finalists Germany, France, Denmark and England could be grouped together again in the second qualifying round draw at 09.30CET on 19 November.

Germany beat France in the 2008 final
Germany beat France in the 2008 final ©UEFA.com

Inaugural UEFA European Women's Under-17 Championship finalists Germany, France, Denmark and England could be grouped together again in this season's second qualifying round draw at 09.30CET on 19 November in Nyon.

Holders top seedings
Sixteen teams progressed from the first qualifying round this autumn, and will now be drawn into four groups – with one side from each seeding pot, the rankings based on results so far this season. Holders Germany had the best record of all and are in the first pot, while France – beaten in the final in Nyon last May – rank sixth so go into the second group of seeds. Bronze-medallists Denmark were one of six group runners-up to advance along with the ten group winners and are in the third pot. England are in the fourth. No team can meet sides they faced in the first qualifying round.

Nyon finals
The second qualifying round will be played in mid-April, with one team per group to act as hosts for each mini-tournament. Only the group winners will reach the four-nation finals which, as with the first competition, will be held in UEFA's home town of Nyon, Switzerland, from 22 to 25 June 2009.

Seeding pots
Pot A: Germany (holders), Ukraine, Netherlands, Czech Republic

Pot B: Norway, France, Spain, Switzerland

Pot C: Sweden, Belgium, Russia, Denmark

Pot D: Hungary, Wales, England, F.Y.R. Macedonia

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