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Ljungberg sends Sweden through

Sweden 2-0 Czech Republic Two Hanna Ljungberg goals won Sweden a place in the 2007 FIFA Women's World Cup in China after wrapping up Group 2.

Seger cross
The Czechs needed to win by two goals to wrest top spot from Swedes but that was never in question after Ljungberg scored the opener after just five minutes at the Värendsvallen stadium in Vaxjo, rising to head in Caroline Seger's fine right-wing cross. The Sweden forward added a second on the half hour when goalkeeper Zuzana Malcova-pincova's tame clearance fell straight to Malin Moström who teed her up for a simple second.

Eyes on China
The home team had countless opportunities to add to the lead and although a third proved elusive it mattered not as they booked a place in China. "This feels truly great," said Sweden coach Thomas Dennerby. "We've got a year to prepare for the World Cup and we'll probably try to play 4-3-3 in order to have more options in attack. We've managed to add some younger players to the squad and hopefully the coming year will give more youngsters a chance to play their way into the World Cup reckoning."

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