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"Whatever the question, just answer Henrik Larsson"

When a teaching assistant appeared on UK game show Pointless, she could never have imagined her boyfriend's sage advice on football matters would earn her €3,000.

Henrik Larsson in EURO action
Henrik Larsson in EURO action ©Getty Images

When Tasha, a teaching assistant, headed off to appear on UK general knowledge game show Pointless, her boyfriend Alex had one piece of advice. "If there's a question about football," said the Celtic fan, "just answer Henrik Larsson."

Sure enough, having battled through two rounds of the BBC quiz to reach the final alongside her friend Jo, a student nurse, the question duly came up. Can you name somebody who scored a goal at UEFA EURO 2000 that none of the 100 people who were asked came up with?

"Henrik Larsson," they replied. It earned them nearly €3,000.

Watch Henrik Larsson's goal against Italy at UEFA EURO 2000