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Canada test for Völler's men

Germany have arranged a friendly international against Canada in Wolfsburg on 1 June.

Away dates
Rudi Völler's side will face the 'Maple leafs' in Wolfsburg on 1 June, prior to visiting Group 5 rivals Scotland on 7 June and the Faroe Islands four days later.

A first for Wolfsburg
It will be Germany's first international in Wolfsburg, where they will play at the 30,000-capacity Volkswagen-Arena, which was opened last month. Völler may be missing some regulars from his squad for the friendly, with the German Cup final being played just 24 hours earlier in Berlin.

Friends reunited
Völler scored one of the goals when Germany beat Canada 2-0 in their only previous encounter shortly before the 1994 FIFA World Cup. He will encounter a familiar face in Canada coach Holger Osieck, who worked as a coach for the Germany Football Federation (DFB) from 1979-1990 and was Franz Beckenbauer's assistant when Germany won the 1990 World Cup.

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