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Successful surgery for Solskjær

Manchester United FC striker Ole Gunnar Solskjær has undergone knee surgery and will sit out Norway's UEFA EURO 2008™ Group C qualifier against Hungary.

Manchester United FC striker Ole Gunnar Solskjær underwent knee surgery in Oslo today and will miss Norway's UEFA EURO 2008™ Group C qualifier against Hungary on Wednesday.

Cartilage removed
"He had swelling and intermittent locking [of the joint] so had surgery on this," said Norway team doctor Thor Einar Andersen, who was present for the operation but did not perform it. "There were no complications and he is now fine. Hopefully his knee will be better when he resumes training. We hope this is not something that will return again and again, but it's too soon to say." Andersen added that surgeons removed some cartilage from the 34-year-old's right knee and took down the swelling.

Fourth spot
Solskjær sat out Norway's 4-0 qualifying defeat of Malta on Saturday but had been hoping to play against Hungary. Norway have ten points from six games in Group C, level with Bosnia-Herzegovina, three behind Turkey and five adrift of leaders Greece. Manchester United, who were consulted about the procedure, expect Solskjær to be fit for the start of the season. The forward appeared 19 times as the Red Devils regained the English title in 2006/07.

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