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Kishishev quits national team

Bulgaria right-back Radostin Kishishev has announced his retirement from international football.

Health reasons
The 29-year-old, who plays for Charlton Athletic FC in England, made the move after talks with national coach Plamen Markov. "I gave eight of my best years to the national team," Kishishev said. "I have a good relationship with the boys but that will not improve my health. I would rather have a long career than play in the [UEFA] European Championship."

Travel bug
The defender explained that his club, Charlton, had been concerned about the effect on his fitness of travelling to and from international matches. Kishishev also said that the recent appointment of Celtic FC midfield player Stilian Petrov as national-team captain had been a factor in his decision.

Petrov appointment
The squad elected Petrov, and not the experienced defender, as successor to Krassimir Balakov, who called time on his international career last month. "The business with the captaincy made me think about my future, but it was not the key factor. Stilian was chosen by the boys and I cannot disagree with that," Kishishev said.

Player power
However, Markov said: "The main reason Kishishev gave in making his decision was the situation with the armband. I could have chosen the captain myself but I decided that the players had the right to choose their leader."

Half century
Kishishev, who played for PFC Chernomorets Burgas, PFC Naftex Burgas and PFC Litex Lovech in his homeland, won 50 international caps. His retirement adds to Markov's selection problems ahead of the Group 8 home match against Belgium on 7 June, with defender Predrag Pazin and striker Zoran Jankovic both suspended. Bulgaria lead the section with ten points, three more than Croatia and four clear of Belgium.

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