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Hanić the Tuzla talisman

Tuzla Canton AMA's Admir Hanić shares the lead in the UEFA Regions' Cup goalscorers table and coach Fuad Grbešić paid tribute to his No7.

Tuzla Canton AMA midfielder Admir Hanić shares the lead in the UEFA Regions' Cup goalscorers table after his late strike against Eastern Region AMA of Northern Ireland took his team to first place in Group A - and his coach Fuad Grbešić paid tribute to his No7.

Vital goals
Hanić opened the scoring on Wednesday in the 1-1 draw against Bulgarian hosts South-East Region AMA, and having been left out of the starting lineup in Radnevo last night for the team from Bosnia-Herzegovina due to his Matchday 1 exertions, he was brought on and finished off the breakaway move that ensured a 2-0 victory and took Tuzla top on goal difference.

'Good man'
"I am so happy," Hanić told uefa.com afterwards, and Grbešić was delighted too. "I know him as his coach, he is a good man," Grbešić said. "He has a young child and plays football and works. He was a footballer when he was young but had a problem with a leg and stopped for three years. But now he is back, he is good. He also wants to up his standard, two goals in two matches is excellent."

Grbešić added: “Many Bosnian people asked me who the best player in the first game was and I said 'Hanić'." And the coach is also thrilled with the harmony in his squad. "The team are all friends, they have a Bosnian spirit and they wanted to be excellent in this tournament as there is a lot of media interest back home."