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Final call for have-a-go heroes

The UEFA Regions' Cup qualifying process will conclude this month with mini-tournaments in the Czech Republic and Azerbaijan completing the finals lineup.

The UEFA Regions' Cup qualifying process will conclude this month with mini-tournaments in the Czech Republic and Azerbaijan completing the finals lineup.

Sides confirmed
Five teams are already confirmed for the championship in June along with the hosts, South-East Region AMA of Bulgaria: Portugal's Aveiro AMA, France's Basse-Normandie AMA, Bosnia-Herzegovina's Tuzla Canton AMA, Ukraine's Ivan Odessa AMA and Poland's Dolnoslaski AMA. By the end of the month, two more teams will join them in the tournament draw in Sliven on 17 May.

Czech focus
The Group 4 mini-tournament kicks off in the Czech Republic on 17 April, with hosts Hradec Králove AMA looking to beat off competition from Bratislava AMA from neighbouring Slovakia and two British sides - England's Isle of Man AMA and Northern Ireland's Eastern Region AMA.

'For fun'
As president of the Irish Football Association, UEFA Youth and Amateur Committee chairman Jim Boyce will be keeping a close watch on the progress of the Northern Irish side. "These lads play for fun," he told uefa.com. "It is a dream to go to the Czech Republic and play in a European tournament."

Island force
He added: "The Isle of Man will be very interesting. As a team they play quite a few matches against English league and Conference sides, and looking at their results they performed well. Although it is the Isle of Man, it is the pick if that island and they will be difficult enough to beat."

Baku finale
From 25 April, the focus will shift to Baku for the Group 6 mini-tournament with hosts Femida AMA hoping to emulate fellow countrymen Beylagan AMA's success in reaching the 2003 finals in Germany. Switzerland's Ticino AMA will look to reach the finals again, having also competed in 2003, while Serbia's Belgrade AMA and Georgia's Tbilisi AMA will be eager to seize a first finals place.

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