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Second chance for Eastern Region and West Hungary

Eastern Region Northern Ireland and West Hungary edged out Dalmacija to claim a place in the UEFA Regions' Cup intermediary stage as the two best preliminary round runners-up.

Eastern Region Northern Ireland manager Harry McConkey
Eastern Region Northern Ireland manager Harry McConkey ©Getty Images

Eastern Region Northern Ireland and West Hungary will live to fight another day in the UEFA Regions' Cup after reaching the intermediary stage as the two best preliminary round runners-up.

The three second-placed sides in the sections were ranked based upon their games against the first and third-placed teams in their sections, with Eastern Region and West Hungary edging out Croatia's Dalmacija in the final reckoning. Eastern Region will now compete in Group 5 alongside South West Bulgaria, Western Slovakia and Belgrade, while West Hungary join Zlín, Kanton Sarajevo and Alytis in Group 6.

Finals contenders in Bulgaria in 2007, Eastern Region were delighted to still be in the running, having finished second in Group C behind hosts South West Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. "We came here to progress to the next round and we did it," said manager Harry McConkey. "In the next round we will fight, just like we have here. We played in the final tournament in 2007 and it would be a great achievement to do it again."

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