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Anti-racism day in Bulgaria

The Bulgarian Football Union (BFS) sent out a strong message against discrimination by organising a weekend of anti-racism activities to coincide with the last league matchday of 2009.

Captains read out a declaration against racism before a Bulgarian league game
Captains read out a declaration against racism before a Bulgarian league game ©UEFA.com

The Bulgarian Football Union (BFS) chose the final weekend of league matches of 2009 as its Day Against Racism.

As a loyal partner of UEFA praised for its leadership role in the drive to rid football of racism and intolerance, the BFS placed all matches played around the weekend of 5 and 6 December under the slogan 'United Against Racism'.

The president of the BFS, Borislav Mihailov, made an official announcement to all professional clubs in Bulgaria about the campaign. "It is our duty to do everything possible to achieve our ultimate goal of building a resource and campaign base to sustain long-term anti-discrimination activities in Bulgarian football," he said.

Every game started with a special call by team captains – sporting blue and yellow 'Unite Against Racism' armbands – for fair play and against racism and discrimination, stressing that what mattered was skill, not skin colour. Stadiums across the country were decorated with 'Say No to Racism' posters while the three referee escorts wore 'Unite Against Racism' T-shirts and the match-ball carrier a 'Respect' T-shirt.