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Giuseppe Bergomi

Giuseppe Bergomi (Italy)
Giuseppe Bergomi (Italy) ©Getty Images

Date of birth: 22/12/1963

A FIFA World Cup winner at the age of 18, Bergomi made his UEFA European Championship debut six years later as the Azzurri made it through to the semi-finals of the 1988 competition under his captaincy. Bergomi's international career would last another ten years, but after starring on home soil at the 1990 FIFA World Cup there would be a six-year wait before his shock recall for the 1998 finals in France, meaning he earned 'only' 81 caps. A one-club man, Bergomi made 519 Serie A appearances and 117 in European competitions (1980-1999) for FC Internazionale Milano. He won one Scudetto and three UEFA Cups before retiring to take up a career as a football pundit.