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Five substitutes confirmed for EURO games

Temporary amendment extended to this summer's finals and the UEFA Nations League finals and relegation play-outs.

Teams will be able to use five substitutes during EURO 2020 games
Teams will be able to use five substitutes during EURO 2020 games UEFA via Getty Images

Teams will be allowed to use a maximum of five substitutes at UEFA EURO 2020 and at the 2021 UEFA Nations League finals and relegation play-outs.

In a meeting on 31 March, UEFA’s Executive Committee agreed to adjust the current rules in line with the temporary amendment introduced to Law 3 of the IFAB Laws of the Game.

In an official statement, UEFA said: "As the reasons for the five-substitutions rule remain valid against the background of national and international football calendars affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and given that the rule is already in place for the World Cup qualification matches that will run from March 2021 to March 2022, it was decided to extend the amendment to UEFA EURO 2020 in June/July 2021, the UEFA Nations League finals in October 2021 and the UEFA Nations League relegation play-outs in March 2022.”