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Andrea Belotti on the 2024 Europa Conference League final, Fiorentina and why the Viola have extra incentive in Athens

Italy forward Andrea Belotti discusses all things Fiorentina ahead of the 2024 UEFA Europa Conference League final.

Belotti looking to build on final experience

Andrea Belotti only arrived on loan at Fiorentina on 1 February, but less than four months later and the Italy forward is gearing up the UEFA Europa Conference League final. Here he discusses life in Florence, having the opportunity to right the various wrongs of 12 months ago – the Viola lost this final, Belotti was in the Roma side beaten in the UEFA Europa League decider – and what winning would mean for the Tuscan side.

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On Fiorentina's journey to Athens

I joined ahead of the round of 16 and they had played very well up until that point, I think because they went into matches with great awareness and respect for opponents. Of course, the fact that many of my team-mates experienced something similar last year helped them manage certain situations better and we have deservedly reached the final. You get more and more used to European football, to different countries' styles.

Fiorentina's road to the final: Every goal

On his semi-final goal against Club Brugge

It was a great goal, but I think all my goals are great, even the simple ones! We knew that the first leg at home was very important and, in front of a crowd that had our backs from the start, we wanted a good outcome with the second leg in mind. Scoring in a European semi-final, a very important game, is something to be proud of. My release of emotion was a way to show how important that goal was at that key time.

Highlights: Fiorentina 3-2 Club Brugge

On the final in Greece

A final is always difficult. Olympiacos are a good side with great players. They knocked out a superb team in Aston Villa, who had an amazing season in the Premier League. It'll be hard because it's a final, a one-off match. You mustn't be scared of losing, because when you're afraid you always make mistakes. It's important to just be aware. I'll speak to my team-mates for sure, because having played a final last year can help with game management.

On the lessons of last season

Playing in a European final for the first time is never easy. You know that at certain moments you have to know the right thing, the right path to go down. Unfortunately for my team-mates it went badly [last season against West Ham], but I remember they had an amazing game and deserved to win. We're definitely all at it again this year, which is a great source of strength for the team – getting to a final two years running is no fluke.

2023 final highlights: Fiorentina 1-2 West Ham

On what it would mean to win

Florence lives and breathes football. Winning would make the city happy, allow the city to celebrate. Even though I wasn't there, I can imagine what they went through last year when they lost. We need a different result this time, to make the city rise again. This final is also important for someone who is unfortunately no longer with us. Someone who lived Fiorentina with his heart and soul, who did everything for Fiorentina and will forever live in our hearts. I'm talking about Joe Barone [the general director who died in March].

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