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UEFA Women's Champions League final: Learn how to say the players' names correctly

Learn how to prounounce the names of the stars of the show in Turin from Barcelona and Lyon.

Ah-da Hey-ga-berg
Ah-da Hey-ga-berg UEFA via Getty Images

Barcelona are taking on Lyon in thee UEFA Women's Champions League final, providing another great opportunity to learn how to pronounce 'difficult' foreign names correctly.

With the help of UEFA.com's reporters in Turin, we present a phonetic guide to the most troublesome names in each team.

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Ana-Maria Cherno-gorchay-vitch
Ana-Maria Cherno-gorchay-vitchUEFA via Getty Images

Aitana Bonmatí- Eye-tana Bon-ma-tei
Mariona Caldentey - Kal-den-tay
Ana-Maria Crnogorčević - Cherno-gorchay-vitch
Patricia Guijarro- Guh-hiarrow
Ariadna Mingueza - Min-gay-sa
Leila Ouahabi - Wa-ha-bee
Sandra Paños - Pan-yoss
Irene Paredes - Pa-ray-dess
Alexia Putellas - Poo-tay-as
Marta Torrejón - Torray-hon


Oo-zhen-ee Le Som-air
Oo-zhen-ee Le Som-air

Selma Bacha - Basha
Nesrine Bahlouli - Nez-reen Ba-loo-lee
Feerine Belhadj - Bell-hadge
Sarah Bouhaddi - Boo-a-dee
Candice Charbonnier - Shar-bo-niey
Ada Hegerberg - Ah-da Hey-ger-berg
Amandine Henry - Uhn-ree
Emelyne Laurent - Law-ron
Eugénie Le Sommer - Oo-jai-nee Le Som-air
Melvine Malard - Mal-arr
Dzsenifer Marozsán - Jennifer Marrow-san
Griedge Mbock - Greej Em-bok
Wendie Renard - Ren-arr

A beginner's guide to the Women's Champions League final