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Brückner warns against complacency

The Czech Republic are refusing to underestimate their opening Group D opponents, tournament underdogs Latvia.

'No easy games'
Coach Karel Brückner has told his players not to underestimate the team many consider to be the weakest in Group D. "There are no easy games at final tournaments," said Brückner. "We will go into the game without fear, but we will also respect every opponent, whatever pot they came from in the draw."

Defensive tactics
Captain Pavel Nedved anticipates a stubborn Latvian rearguard action. "We expect them to get players behind the ball and defend well," the Juventus FC midfield player said. "We faced similar tactics in our recent game against Estonia, although the Latvians are a better side than their Baltic neighbours." Nedved is also aware that the Czechs should not be complacent: "There are no weak teams at this tournament; look at Portugal's result against Greece. We have worked hard for two years and we cannot ignore any details now."

No surprises
The Czech Republic will enter the tournament at full strength. Brückner refused to name his starting eleven today, but the coach has promised there will be no surprises. He is therefore expected to field the team that beat Estonia 2-0 last week, with one exception: fit-again René Bolf replacing Martin Jiránek in central defence.

Travel troubles
Following his double strike in that friendly, Milan Baroš should join Jan Koller in attack. At 2.02m, Koller is the tallest player in the tournament and to avoid discomfort during today's 300km journey north to Aveiro, he swapped the team bus for the team van halfway through the trip.

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