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Quintet stay loyal to Everton

Five players, four out of contract, have signed new deals with UEFA Champions League debutants Everton FC.

New contracts
Defender Weir, 35, and 33-year-old striker Ferguson have both agreed new one-year contracts, while two other players whose current deals were about to expire, 24-year-old midfielder Osman and left-back Naysmith, 26, have signed until 2009 and 2008 respectively.

Deal for Kilbane
Winger Kilbane, meanwhile, had the option of extending his contract for another 12 months, but the 28-year-old has instead accepted a three-season deal. Captain Alan Stubbs, fellow defender Alessandro Pistone and midfielder Steve Watson, whose contracts are also expiring this summer, are yet to resolve their futures with the team that finished fourth in England, earning a first bid for the European Champion Clubs' Cup since 1970/71.

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