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Portugal find 'spirit to conquer'

While the Portuguese and Greek press were reflecting on a safe quarter-final passage, there were "no excuses" in Spain.

Spain 0-1 Portugal

This was not like other defeats, this was much worse. There was not even a hint of glory or dignity this time - there was nothing positive to say and no excuses to make. There was no attractive play to boast about, there were no heroes and neither can we blame our elimination on the referee or plain bad luck. Just to compound our misery, there is the realisation that this time we deserved everything that happened to us. The national team does not meet the level that is expected of it in Spain, or a coach with a new contract, or an untouchable captain. (AS)

Uff!! It was hard but certainly worth it. A match of so many emotions, a superb show which started off the pitch and ended with a victory for Portugal. Without fear but with conviction and a spirit to conquer, the Portuguese national team finally produced the performance which we have waited so long for. It was brilliance mixed with luck and a deserving result for the fabulous support that the Portuguese fans had given the players, who simply could not fail. (A Bola)

Russia 2-1 Greece

There was no slamming the door on Russia - it was closed gently. Perhaps it will burst open again later with new ideas, new people, a more imaginitive system and increased skill; perhaps it will stay closed for an even longer spell. We will have to wait and see. What else can we do? (Sovetskiy Sport) 

We are not France who can win on command; we are not England who translate passion into kerosene on the pitch; we do not have Germany's ability to stay cool. We are the EURO kamikazes, the Greeks who are through to the quarter-finals. Just imagine ... even the defeat yesterday tasted like champagne. Yartsev's team identified our weak points but we can deal with that tomorrow. Today is a day for celebration! (Eleftherotypia)

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