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Blasi blow for Parma

Parma AC have lost midfield player Manuele Blasi for six months after a positive drug test in September.

Bad timing
Blasi, an Italian Under-21 international, is on loan from Juventus FC. His suspension could not have come at a worse time for Parma. The collapse of their owners Parmalat last month has left the club with debts of around €77m.

Financial remedy
Parma have been taking steps to ease their financial crisis today. Goalkeeper Vincenzo Sicignano and midfield player Jorge Bolano have been loaned out to US Lecce until the end of the season, while Italian Under-21 international Marco Amelia will move in the opposite direction. Amelia's arrival could well pave the way for French goalkeeper Sébastien Frey to leave the club.

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