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Season over for Elliott

Newcastle United FC defender Robbie Elliott's season may be over after corrective knee surgery.

Cartilage problem
Elliott suffered cartilage damage to his left knee earlier in the campaign, but only had an operation for the ongoing problem this week, following Newcastle's signing of defensive reinforcements in Celestine Babayaro and Jean-Alain Boumsong.

'Can't wait any longer'
The 31-year-old now faces up to four months on the sidelines. "The worst-case scenario is that I'll be out of action until the middle of May, so my season could be over," he said. "I'd been putting the surgery off because we've been so stretched at the back but I can't really wait any longer."

'Out of contract'
Elliott, who has played 18 games for the English Premiership side this season, added: "It's disappointing but I'm out of contract this summer and I have to look after myself. You don't want to be sidelined when you're searching for a new club but that's the likelihood now."

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