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Bonde switches gender for Denmark

Peter Bonde is to stand down as the coach of Denmark's women's team to assist Morten Olsen as he leads the men's senior side in UEFA EURO 2008™ qualifying.

Denmark women's coach Peter Bonde will take up a new role as the assistant coach of the men's national team from 1 July.

Two-year appointment
The Danish Football Association has long sought a replacement for Morten Olsen's current assistant, Keld Bordinggaard, who will take charge of the Under-21s on 1 July, and opted to appoint the 48-year-old Bonde.

Sad farewell
"I am happy that it has been possible for me - with the DBU's help - to get one of the people I wanted," said Olsen. Bonde added: "Of course I am sad not to be able to fulfil my ambitions with the women's national team, but the offer to become assistant national coach is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me."

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