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Frei's delight at Switzerland return

With a knee injury ending his UEFA EURO 2008™ campaign early, Alexander Frei hopes to line up with Switzerland against Luxembourg, explaining: "After being out for so long I just want to be with the team."

Alexander Frei has waited three months to make his comeback
Alexander Frei has waited three months to make his comeback ©Getty Images

Step up
Frei, 29, has three Dortmund reserve appearances to his name in recent weeks – and four goals – but he has not made a senior competitive appearance since the events of 7 June in Basel. After opening their 2010 FIFA World Cup qualifying Group 2 campaign by conceding a last-gasp equaliser in a 2-2 draw in Israel at the weekend, Ottmar Hitzfeld's side are keen to make sure they get all three points on Wednesday but Frei, his nation's all-time leading scorer with 35 goals, knows he may have to wait a little longer. "I'm happy that everything is going well, but there is a big difference between playing in the amateur league and battling for points for the World Cup," he said.

Previous form
Still, Frei has a bit of previous form against Luxembourg, having scored four goals against them in two 2002 World Cup qualifiers including a hat-trick at the Hardturm Stadium, in the same city as Wednesday's rematch. However, Frei pointed out: "That was a long time ago. At that time I didn't even have grey hairs. On Wednesday it will be different. After being out for so long I just want to be with the team. What exactly will happen – if I'm going to play or not – I don't know. I'm going into this match without any expectations."

Being on the pitch might not have been as nerve-wracking as having to look on from the sidelines on Saturday when the first game of Hitzfeld's new era was spoiled by Israel's comeback. Frei took the positives, though, saying: "In the past we were seldom able to get into a situation where we were two goals up away from home a few minutes before the end. The team has improved a lot and now it's time for me to bring in my skills."

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