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New era for Slovakians

Slovakia coach Ladislav Jurkemik is looking to the future with his squad to face F.Y.R. Macedonia.

Chance to shine
The Slovakians welcome their Group 7 rivals to Zilina next Wednesday with both teams knowing the best finish they can achieve is third place behind Turkey and England. As such Jurkemik is determined to give a chance to his less experienced players in this match and the final qualifier in Liechtenstein on 11 October.

New start
"One era is over, another begins," said Jurkemik. "As it is vital to try and stay among the third seeds for future events, we are obliged to win our last home game. I will give a chance to players I, or somebody else, can rely upon in the future."

Slovakia squad
König, Rzeszoto, Petráš, V Labant, Klimpl, Zabavník, B Labant, Hanek, Kisel, Sninský, Durica, Mintál, Urban, Janocko, Demo, Oravec, Reiter, Németh.

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