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Mundi happy to be keeping busy

Although his side have lost both their Group A games so far, 21-year-old Bratislava AMA goalkeeper Andrej Mundi has shone in the 2009 UEFA Regions' Cup and admits he is happy to be in the thick of the action.

Bratislava goalkeeper Andrej Mundi has impressed in his side's Group A games
Bratislava goalkeeper Andrej Mundi has impressed in his side's Group A games ©Sportsfile

Although his side have lost both their games so far, Bratislava AMA goalkeeper Andrej Mundi has shone in the 2009 UEFA Regions' Cup and says he is happy to be in the thick of the action.

'Empty feeling'
In their first game against Centre Zagreb AMA, Mundi pulled off a string of impressive saves, denying forward Ivan Graf on three occasions. It looked as though Bratislava would secure an opening point, but two late spot-kicks by Graf gave the tournament hosts a winning start. "We hoped we could at least gain a draw, but then came the two penalties and so it was an empty feeling by the end," Mundi told uefa.com.

Keeping busy

Despite the loss, the 21-year-old revealed he much prefers matches where he has plenty to do. "I like games where I am in the action permanently, where I can show my skills," Mundi added. "I don't like it when there are no shots and then maybe one will come in and if it goes in we might lose 1-0, so I prefer to be busy."

High quality
After winning promotion to the Slovakian second division with his club side FK Bernolákovo, taking part in Europe's premier amateur tournament has been a notable achievement at the end of successful season. "I am enjoying it here very much," he added. "The quality of the tournament is very high, the players are very good. It's a pleasure to be here."

Mundi, who names Edwin van der Saar as the goalkeeper he admires most, is candid about his personal ambitions in the game although his priority this week has been playing as well as possible for Bratislava. "I came to the tournament hoping that we could play well and maybe win something," Mundi said. "Also, you always want to get noticed by a bigger club – my feelings are mixed at the moment as the tournament could have gone better for us."

Last stand
Following Bratislava's second 2-0 loss – to Oltenia AMA – the Romanian side's coach Sorinel Patrascu singled Mundi out for special praise. "For sure it's a good feeling to get compliments, especially from other coaches. It does give me a boost to hear these things." Although his side cannot progress from Group A, Mundi is hoping they can end the tournament on a high note against Privolzhie AMA. "I hope we will win because we are not under pressure. We can't make the final now so hopefully we can play with freedom." Centre-back Jozef Buffa, who translated for his team-mate, added: "We were a little bit sad after the two defeats. We don't want to return with three losses and the mood in the camp is good – I am sure we will win this game."

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