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Maguire treble makes Eastern Region's day

Eastern Region 5-2 Qarachala
Paul Maguire's hat-trick was the highlight as the bottom sides in Group A bowed out in a blaze of goals.

Eastern Region celebrate the first of their five goals against Qarachala
Eastern Region celebrate the first of their five goals against Qarachala ©Sportsfile

Although their UEFA Regions' Cup had effectively been ended in the first two games, Eastern Region and Qarachala showed they still had plenty to offer by bowing out with a seven-goal thriller in Este.

Perhaps it was this lack of pressure which enabled both teams to play a more open game which soon led to the net rippling for the first time with John Boyle on target from close range after Ryan Moffatt's free-kick. Qarachala replied in the very next attack when Isa Atayev collected the ball in the penalty area and dispatched a shot off the inside of the post for Qarachala's first goal of the tournament.

Eastern Region's No10 Paul Maguire then took centre stage, bagging a hat-trick before the break and giving his side a commanding 4-1 lead. His most spectacular strike came in the 27th minute when Umud Pashayev ventured out of his penalty area and lost possession to Maguire, who fired into the unguarded net from 30 metres without hesitation.

With nothing to lose, Qarachala threw caution to the wind in the second half and pulled a goal back through Ramiz Chovdarov. He and Atayev had more chances, but Jonathan Parr was not going to be beaten again while Eastern Region captain James Cully chipped in with a fifth from the penalty spot after Ruslan Huseynov handled in the area.

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