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Super Victor flies in to meet competition winner

The official mascot of UEFA EURO 2016, Super Victor, paid a visit to the amateur club FC Saint Martin de Seignanx following the vote organised to choose his name.

Super Victor flies in to meet competition winner
Super Victor flies in to meet competition winner ©UEFA.com

Super Victor, official mascot of UEFA EURO 2016, brought pleasure to young and old alike when he visited amateur club FC Saint Martin de Seignanx.

The big winner of the competition in the poll organised to pick the mascot's name, Lionel Chefdeville, is president of the amateur club from south-west France and he had the honour of welcoming Super Victor. "I was delighted and flattered to be the lucky winner of the competition," he said. "I immediately thought of the young players at our club, who were going to have this unforgettable chance to meet the EURO 2016 mascot."

Founded in 2001, FC Saint Martin de Seignanx has 240 registered players, making up ten boys, girls and disability football teams, all of whom Super Victor met after arriving mid-afternoon. He kicked off matches involving the club's U15 and U18 teams.

Another distinguished guest was Jean-Michel Larqué, a former French international. Now a famous television and radio pundit and current president of the Pyrenees-Atlantiques regional football association, Larqué paid a neighbourly call.

At the end of the afternoon, Super Victor flew off into the sunset, leaving behind enchanted young fans: "It was amazing to meet Super Victor. He is really impressive in real life. We were able to take photos and have a bit of a game with him – it was brilliant," explained Kevin.

The people of Saint Martin de Seignanx are now eagerly awaiting the start of next year's tournament, which also marks the club's 15th anniversary: "This EURO will enable the young people at this club to go and see international matches in Bordeaux," said Chefdeville.

"It's going to be a great festival for all football fans, which will enable people to come together and – who knows – maybe even relive the joys of '98."

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