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Benfica to stage futsal finals in Lisbon

The Pavilhão Atlântico in Lisbon will be the setting for April's UEFA Futsal Cup finals after SL Benfica were chosen as hosts, playing Italy's Luparense Calcio A5, Azerbaijani outfit Araz Naxçivan and holders Interviú Madrid.

Benfica to stage futsal finals in Lisbon
Benfica to stage futsal finals in Lisbon ©Sergii Lysenchuk

The Pavilhão Atlântico in Lisbon will be the setting for the UEFA Futsal Cup finals from 23 to 25 April after SL Benfica were selected as host club by the UEFA Executive Committee.

Pavilhão Atlântico
A stunning multipurpose complex built for Lisbon's Expo '98, the Pavilhão Atlântico staged the inaugural eight-team UEFA Futsal Cup finals in 2002, with Sporting Clube de Portugal the hosts. It was also the venue for the UEFA EURO 2004™ draw. In 2004 Benfica reached the UEFA Futsal Cup final, then a home-and-away affair. Having lost the first leg 4-1 at Interviú Madrid, the Portuguese side won the return 4-3 at their Indoor Pavilhão do SL Benfica. The previous four-team finals have been held in Murcia, Moscow and Ekaterinburg.

Benfica are among three sides competing in the finals for the first time since the four-team event was introduced in 2007, along with Italy's Luparense Calcio A5 and Azerbaijan's Araz Naxçivan, with the lineup completed by holders and three-time champions Interviú. The semi-final draw in Lisbon will be held in late March with the games on Friday 23 April followed two days later by the final and third-place play-off.

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