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Girtzikis hopeful of Under-19 finals legacy

Elected president of the Hellenic Football Federation (EPO) in January, Giorgos Girtzikis expects the Under-19 finals to have a lasting impact on Greece.

Greece look forward to U19 finals

Elected in January as president of the Hellenic Football Federation (EPO), Giorgos Girtzikis is optimistic the UEFA European Under-19 Championship will have a lasting impact on football in Greece.

"It's self-evident that such an international tournament will boost and contribute to the development of Greek football at the level of academies," Mr Girtzikis told UEFA.org. "The tournament is going to attract young football players, and that's one of our main objectives. Our intention is to organise a tournament which will address not only the football family of the country but the whole of society."

To hear more from Mr Girtzikis, click on the video player.

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