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Kadriorg Stadium, Tallinn

Nõmme Kalju play at the Kadriorg Stadium
Nõmme Kalju play at the Kadriorg Stadium ©EJL

Capacity: 5,000 (1,300 covered, 3,700 uncovered)
Opened: 1926

• The Kadriorg Stadium, located in the Kadriorg district of Tallinn around 2km east of the city centre and close to the Kadriorg Palace, will stage three group matches.

• Building work began in 1924 with the ground opening two years later; the stadium was renovated in 1999-2000.

• Home to JK Nõmme Kalju – and, before that, FC Levadia Tallinn – the Kadriorg was the venue for the Estonia national team's home matches.

• Edgar Savisaar, mayor of Tallinn, said: "Big events and competitions help to promote the culture of sports – so welcome to everyone and thank you for putting Tallinn on the map. To achieve your goals in sports you have to play fair. Fair competition is the principle that other walks of life can learn from sports. This is the attitude that should be spread. Welcome to Tallinn!"