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Bajramaj expects challenge to Germany

Germany have not failed to win a UEFA Women's EURO since 1993 but forward Fatmire Bajramaj warned: "We are on the right track, but the other teams don't sleep."

Bajramaj expects challenge to Germany
Bajramaj expects challenge to Germany ©Getty Images

Germany have not failed to win the UEFA European Women's Championship since 1993 but forward Fatmire Bajramaj, who was only five when they fell to Italy on penalties in the Rimini semi-final 20 years ago, knows taking a sixth straight title will be tough.

Bajramaj aided Germany to victory in Finland four years ago, having also helped them win the 2007 FIFA Women's World Cup, and is in the squad in Sweden preparing to open their title defence against the Netherlands in Vaxjo on Thursday. But the 1. FFC Frankfurt attacker is well aware that teams including the hosts and France – both of who got further than Germany at the last World Cup – will make life tough.

"We are on the right track, but the other teams don't sleep, they are developing as well," Bajramaj told UEFA.com. "The gap has got smaller between the teams. But it's nice to compete against other teams who are almost at the same level."

To watch the full interview click on the video player above.

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