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UEFA decisions for upcoming competitions relating to the ongoing suspension of Russian national teams and clubs

Russia will not participate in Group C of the UEFA Women's EURO 2022 final tournament.

Further to its 28 February 2022 decision to suspend all Russian representative teams and clubs from participating in UEFA competition matches until further notice, the UEFA Executive Committee today took a series of decisions relating to the implications of that decision for its upcoming competitions, in order to ensure their smooth staging in a safe and secure environment for all those concerned.

The UEFA Executive Committee decided the following:

UEFA Women's EURO 2022 (final tournament)

  • Russia will not participate in Group C of the UEFA Women's EURO 2022 final tournament scheduled between 6 and 31 July in England and will be replaced by Portugal, the opponent Russia defeated in the play-offs.

The UEFA Executive Committee will remain on standby to convene further meetings to reassess the legal and factual situation as it evolves and adopt further decisions as necessary.