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Match officials

The match official team consists of six referees and eight assistants, along with two fourth officials.

Referee Zuzana Kováčová oversees the Group B match between Spain and Serbia
Referee Zuzana Kováčová oversees the Group B match between Spain and Serbia ©Sportsfile

Knarik Grigoryan, Armenia
Stéphanie Frappart, France
Riem Hussein, Germany
Anastasia Pustovoitova, Russia
Simona Ghisletta, Switzerland
Zuzana Kováčová, Slovakia

Assistant referees
Agnes Sirrka Prammer, Austria
Anne Cheron, Belgium
Gergana Vidova, Bulgaria
Niki Karagiorgi, Cyprus
Tiina Hyttinen, Finland
Michelle O'Neill, Republic of Ireland
Viola Raudzina, Latvia
Vesna Spirkoska Tofiloska, FYROM

Fourth officials
Tuba Tosun Ayer, Turkey
Dılan Denız Gökçek, Turkey