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Hosts getting into gear

Hungary's preparations for hosting this year's edition continued with a narrow win and defeat in Croatia.

Hungary's preparations for hosting the UEFA European Women's Under-19 Championship final round continued with their first two matches of 2005 in Croatia.

Victory apiece
Zsófia Rácz, the youngest player in the squad having only turned 16 on 28 December, gave Hungary the perfect start to the new year as her 14th-minute goal proved enough to beat Croatia 1-0 on Thursday, ending a run of five straight losses. However, the home nation gained revenge by the same score two days later.

Further friendlies
The Czech Republic are Hungary's next opponents as they visit Buk for a pair of friendlies on 17 and 19 March, with 'A' team fixtures against Poland on the same days. On 13 and 15 April, Croatia will come to Hungary for return games in Papa and Buk, and Andrashida is the venue for a friendly against Slovenia on 24 May - the day of the finals draw - with an 'A' game against the same nation on the same day in Zalaegerszeg.

Croatian task
If Croatia are to join the hosts in the finals, they must finish top of a tough second qualifying round group containing the Republic of Ireland, France and reigning champions Spain running from 26-30 April. Neither Hungary nor Croatia have ever played in the final tournament, which runs this year from 20-31 July.

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