Professional Football Strategy Council
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The Professional Football Strategy Council (PFSC) brings together the main stakeholders in European football, i.e. UEFA, clubs, professional leagues and players, to work together to find common solutions on major topical issues affecting the game. Dialogue at the PFSC is governed by the principles of democracy and mutual trust. Discussions are conducted with the guarantee of full transparency vis-à-vis UEFA's member associations.
The UEFA Professional Football Strategy Council (PFSC) is composed of:
a) Four UEFA vice-presidents, who represent the interests of UEFA's member associations as well as the general interests of UEFA as European football governing body.
b) Four representatives elected for a two-year term by the group recognised by UEFA as representing the interests of the European professional football leagues.
c) Four representatives elected for a two-year term by the group recognised by UEFA as representing the interests of the clubs participating in the UEFA competitions.
d) Four representatives elected for a two-year term by the players' union recognised by UEFA as representing the interests of professional players in Europe.
In accordance with Article 3bis of the UEFA Statutes, UEFA recognises the EPFL (for the leagues), the ECA (for the clubs) and the FIFPro Division Europe (for the players).
a) Identifies solutions for improving collaboration between the various stakeholders in European football, in particular by exploring the possibility of establishing a European Professional Football Charter.
b) Deals with issues pertaining to the social dialogue in European professional football matters.
c) Works with the existing professional football consultative bodies on all relevant issues.
d) Ensures that football stays together as one family, with professional and amateur football living together within the existing sports structures and the pyramidal system.
e) Discusses the views of the clubs, leagues, players and UEFA's member associations and informs the UEFA Executive Committee accordingly.
Topics for discussion by the PFSC are determined by its members and may include:
a) UEFA club competitions and their calendars.
b) The position of professional clubs within the international football environment.
c) Financial and commercial aspects of European football.
d) Issues related to the European Union (EU).