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New UEFA Champions League brand identity


The concept 'Champions becoming Legends' underpins the new brand identity for the 2015–18 UEFA Champions League which was launched in Monaco on Thursday.

Part of the new brand's visual identity, the new 'Ultimate Stage' stadium
Part of the new brand's visual identity, the new 'Ultimate Stage' stadium ©UEFA.com

The new UEFA Champions League brand identity for the competition's 2015–18 cycle was officially launched today in Monaco at the season-opening draw. The concept behind the new identity, 'Champions becoming Legends', celebrates the very best players striving to reach legendary status, a rank attained by very few of their predecessors.

As part of the brand's visual identity, the new 'Ultimate Stage' stadium provides a worthy setting that showcases both today's champions and the legends that previously excelled in the UEFA Champions League. The completely redesigned stadium on the visual identity is bigger and more impressive than ever, with new architectural details such as floodlights from an iconic 560m-wide stadium roof shining down on a passionate crowd of over 1 million spectators. The excitement and energy in turn radiate out into the surrounding city.

Whereas the visual identity has been refreshed for the new cycle, the classic UEFA Champions League logo, the prestigious trophy and the inspiring music that form the foundation of the brand remain unchanged.

The refined design will continue to give the UEFA Champions League a unique identity that will be applied across a wide range of promotional applications, always with the objective of further enhancing the prestige of one of the world's biggest sporting events.

The design concept has been developed in collaboration with UEFA's marketing partner TEAM Marketing AG in Lucerne and the London-based creative agency Radiant Studios.

Please refer to the following link to download visual support material: www.uclbrandsupport.com/bam/mediasupport


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