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Kia delivers Under-21 finals fleet


Kia Motors Corporation, the official automotive partner of the Under-21 finals, has handed over 61 cars to transport teams, VIPs, officials and referees during the tournament.

Kia cars will transport players, officials and VIPs at the Under-21 finals in Denmark
Kia cars will transport players, officials and VIPs at the Under-21 finals in Denmark ©UEFA.com

Kia Motors Corporation, the official automotive partner of the 2011 UEFA European Under-21 Championship, handed over a fleet of 61 vehicles to UEFA in Aarhus on Wednesday.

With the tournament set to commence at the weekend, one of the final pieces in the jigsaw slotted into place at the Aarhus Stadion, venue for Saturday's opening fixture between Belarus and Iceland at 18.00CET. UEFA was presented with the keys to a range of safe and comfortable Kia flagship cars, including the Sportage, the Carnival and the Cee'd, which will be used to transport teams, officials, referees and VIPs during the competition.

The handover ceremony was attended by Lene M Iversen, PR and marketing manager of Kia Import Danmark AS, tournament director Christian Bordinggaard and Alexandre Huber, UEFA's U21 stadium operations leader.

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