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František Laurinec

Executive Commitee
František Laurinec
František Laurinec ©Getty Images

Nationality: Slovakian
Date of birth: 19 August 1951
Executive Committee member since: 2009

Current UEFA roles
UEFA Executive Committee (member)
Players' Status, Transfer and Agents and Match Agents Committee (chairman)
Stadium and Security Committee (deputy chairman)

• Having represented his local village side ŠK Veľké Uherce, František Laurinec moved on to play for FK Iskra Partizánske before deciding on a career in law; he continues to run his own legal practice.

• He started working in football in 1990, a year shy of his 40th birthday, and became vice-president of the Slovak Football Association (SFS) four years later. He took sole command as president in 1999, overseeing a testing time for football in the new nation before seeing his efforts vindicated as Slovakia qualified for the 2010 FIFA World Cup finals.

• "The sun has started to shine on Slovakian football," he said after that historic breakthrough. "This is a big success for our small country: proof that if you link fine players with the ideal coach, things can sometimes happen. Of course, we were lucky too, but if you fight for your luck, you get it."

Previous UEFA roles
Legal Committee (deputy chairman) 2013-2015
Stadium and Security Committee (special advisor) 2013-2015
Stadium and Security Committee (chairman) 2011-2013
Club Licensing Committee (deputy chairman) 2011-2013
Marketing Advisory Committee (chairman) 2009-2011
HatTrick Committee (first vice-chairman) 2007-2009, (deputy chairman) 2009-2011
National Teams Committee (member) 2000-2007
List of Experts concerning the regulations of UEFA governing the fixing of a transfer fee (expert) 1996-1998