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UEFA welcomes Ukraine decision on stray dogs

About UEFA

UEFA acknowledges the immediate ban on the killing of stray dogs which has been announced by the Ukrainian government and looks forward to its successful implementation.

The move follows several encounters between UEFA and the Ukrainian authorities
The move follows several encounters between UEFA and the Ukrainian authorities ©Getty Images

UEFA has acknowledged the measures announced by the government of Ukraine to immediately stop and prohibit the killing of stray dogs and is looking forward to their successful implementation.

Further to being contacted by various animal protection organisations about the situation of stray dogs in Ukraine, UEFA has repeatedly contacted the Ukrainian authorities, asking for appropriate measures to be developed that respect the dignity of animals. UEFA also made a donation to the Kyiv branch of the Society for the Protection of Animals (SPA) to help finance its activities and has acted as a link between specialised animal protection entities and the authorities to allow for adequate solutions to be put in place.

Following several encounters between UEFA and the Ukrainian authorities, the environment minister of Ukraine, Mykola Zlochevsky, officially announced earlier this month an immediate ban on the killing of stray dogs. The Ukrainian authorities also informed that animal shelters would be built and that animals that could not be housed there would be sterilised before being released. New laws will also be adopted to make it compulsory for city mayors to enforce such new regulations or run the risk of facing prosecution.

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