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New term for Dyukov in Russia


Alexander Dyukov has been re-elected for a four-year term as president of the Football Union of Russia (FUR).

Alexander Dyukov
Alexander Dyukov Mikhail Shapaev

Dyukov was the only candidate at the FUR’s extraordinary conference in Moscow, and was unanimously confirmed in office by delegates.

The 53-year-old from St Petersburg, a former FC Zenit president, was first elected as the Russian association’s president in February 2019. He became an FUR Executive Committee member in 2014, and headed the development programmes committee, taking part in building future strategies for the development of Russian football.

"One of the goals of the union,” Dyukov said, “is to bring the number of people involved in football to 4 percent of the country's population by 2025. Now this figure is equal to 2.1 percent of the population.”

Russia, Dyukov added, needed to be competitive within European football, in terms of player progress, team potential and stadium development, as well as through efficient marketing and promotion activities.