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Andreasen stays at the helm in the Faroe Islands


Christian Andreasen has been re-elected as president of the Faroe Islands Football Association (FSF) – with football development high on his agenda.

Christian Andreasen has been FSF president since 2010
Christian Andreasen has been FSF president since 2010 FSF

Andreasen, who has held the position since 2010, was unanimously confirmed for another four-year term at the association’s annual general meeting in Tórshavn.

A goalkeeper for B68 Toftir's Tofta Ítróttarfelag in his youth, Andreasen studied law at the University of Copenhagen. He was elected to the FSF management committee for the first time on a two-year mandate in 1986. The 61-year-old then worked as a legal advisor to the governing body before returning to the committee in 2002 and starting out on his pathway to the presidency.

HatTrick help

UEFA’s HatTrick assistance programme has been crucial in driving football’s development in the Faroe Islands since the national association became a UEFA member in 1990.

Infrastructure support has helped fund work by clubs to renovate football facilities such as pitches, floodlight systems and clubhouses. This has allowed football to be played in the most remote areas and become more accessible to everyone. In addition, significant HatTrick funding has seen the ongoing reconstruction and renovation of the national stadium in Tórshavn.

The FSF assembly also approved a new five-year development programme which, among other things, aims for significant increases in participation by 2025.