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UEFA statement following meeting with national associations

About UEFA

UEFA President Aleksander Čeferin and the UEFA administration met with the Presidents and General Secretaries of the 55 national associations in Budapest.

UEFA statement following meeting with national associations
UEFA statement following meeting with national associations ©UEFA.com

The UEFA President and the UEFA administration met with the Presidents and General Secretaries of the 55 National Associations members of UEFA in Budapest today to discuss the shape of UEFA club competitions after 2024 and the new UEFA strategy for women's football.

UEFA President Aleksander Čeferin, said: "This was an important meeting with our member associations to get their views on how our club competitions should be designed in the future. There were many different opinions expressed and we will feed these into our thinking on this issue.

"I was encouraged by the positive response to the consultation process and by the solidarity among associations, with a recognition from the larger ones of the need to contribute more for the benefit of smaller nations.

"We remain focused on trying to find a way forward that meets the needs of the game across the whole of Europe, not just in the big markets. Only UEFA distributes money across international boundaries and it is a responsibility we take very seriously.

"I was happy to repeat our commitment not to play UEFA club competition matches at weekends, with the exception of the Champions League Final.

"The consultation process is ongoing and we look forward to receiving the thoughts of other stakeholders directly, rather than having to piece them together from media statements. We will not decide anything without taking everyone's views into account. We would never accept changes that would harm European football.

"The new UEFA strategy for women's football was well received and tomorrow's Champions League final is a sell-out, further demonstrating the growth and popularity of the women's game."