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Positive talks on football governance


Football governance reforms were on the agenda at a meeting in Nyon between UEFA President Aleksander Čeferin and Anne Brasseur, member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Aleksander Čeferin and Anne Brasseur met in Nyon
Aleksander Čeferin and Anne Brasseur met in Nyon ©Getty Images

UEFA President Aleksander Čeferin has held talks with Anne Brasseur, member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (“PACE”) and president of the PACE ad hoc sub-committee on the reform of international football.

Mrs Brasseur was appointed rapporteur on the governance of international football for the PACE last year, and is currently preparing a keynote report for the Council of Europe, which will include specific recommendations addressed to all major football stakeholders, and follows a report on the reform of football governance published in 2015.

Discussions in Nyon focussed on a mutual commitment to improving good governance in football, and continued the fruitful dialogue between UEFA, the Council of Europe and other European political institutions.

Mr Čeferin presented proposed UEFA good governance reforms that will be voted upon by Europe’s national associations at the Ordinary UEFA Congress in Helsinki on 5 April.

The proposals have been endorsed by the UEFA Executive Committee, and are aimed at making UEFA a stronger and more transparent governing body in the future.

Mrs Brasseur, a former sports minister in Luxembourg, strongly advocates good governance reforms in football, and has expressed support for the idea of stepping up existing collaboration with UEFA and other stakeholders.

UEFA enjoys a positive working relationship with the Council of Europe, and has cooperated on a number of issues such as spectator violence, doping, match-fixing and the European sports model.

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