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Club Financial Control Body Adjudicatory Chamber

Club Financial Control

The Adjudicatory Chamber of the UEFA Club Financial Control Body (CFCB) decides on cases referred to it by the CFCB chief investigator, the CFCB chairman or on the request of a directly affected party.

The Adjudicatory Chamber consists of the CFCB chairman, who heads the CFCB Adjudicatory Chamber and supervises the functioning of the CFCB, and at least three other members, including two CFCB vice-chairmen.

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The proceedings are conducted by the CFCB chairman who informs the defendant of the opening of the judgement stage. 

The adjudicatory chamber makes its final decision in the presence of at least three of its members, including the CFCB chairman, who have attended the deliberations, and by simple majority. The adjudicatory chamber may take the following final decisions: to dismiss the case; to accept or reject the club's admission to the UEFA club competition; to impose disciplinary measures; to uphold, reject, or modify a decision of the CFCB Chief Investigator.

Disciplinary measures include among others the following: a warning; a reprimand; a fine; deduction of points; withholding of revenues from a UEFA competition; prohibition on registering new players in UEFA competitions; restriction on the number of players that a club may register for participation in UEFA competitions, including a financial limit on the overall aggregate cost of the employee benefits expenses of players registered on the A-list for the purposes of UEFA club competitions; disqualification from competitions in progress and/or exclusion from future competitions; withdrawal of a title or award.

Further details of the CFCB Adjudicatory Chamber can be found in the procedural rules governing the UEFA Club Financial Control Body.

José Narciso da Cunha Rodrigues (Portugal)

Christiaan Timmermans (Netherlands)
Louis Peila (Switzerland)

Charles Flint (England)
Adam Giersz (Poland)