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Legal aid and pro bono counsel

Legal aid and pro bono counsel
Legal aid and pro bono counsel ©UEFA.com

UEFA is committed to guaranteeing the rights of individuals who lack the financial means to defend themselves properly in UEFA disciplinary proceedings.

For this reason, UEFA has introduced the concept of legal aid into the UEFA Disciplinary Regulations (Article 39).


A key component of this legal aid is the provision of pro bono counsel to assist individuals in proceedings before the UEFA Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body or the UEFA Appeals Body.

If the assistance of pro bono counsel is requested and granted, the applicant may choose from the list established by the UEFA administration.

After a thorough selection process, the UEFA administration has now selected 10 qualified lawyers who will serve as pro bono counsels.

Only independent lawyers with appropriate experience and expertise, adequate availability and in convenient location have been selected.

All pro bono counsels will be required to act in accordance with the highest standards of integrity and honesty at all times in the performance of their duties. They must not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to third parties that might influence them in the performance of their duties, and must declare any conflicts of interest before accepting an appointment.

In principle, pro bono counsels remain on UEFA's list for four years.
The UEFA administration may, however, amend the list at any time at its discretion (for example, where a pro bono counsel has been inactive or in order to ensure greater geographical coverage).

It is recalled that according to the relevant provisions contained in the UEFA Disciplinary Regulations and the circular letter, applicants for legal aid must submit reasoned requests and supporting documents to UEFA Disciplinary Unit by email (discipline@uefa.ch).

According to each applicant’s needs, legal aid may be provided as follows:

a. The applicant may be released from having to pay the costs of proceedings.

b. Pro bono counsel may be selected by the applicant from the list established by the UEFA administration.

c. The applicant’s own reasonable travel and accommodation costs and those of witnesses and experts he calls to testify may be covered by UEFA, which also covers the travel and accommodation costs of any pro bono counsel selected from the list established.

Further conditions and requirements associated with legal aid and pro bono counsel may be communicated by circular letter.

The following individuals are those who have been selected as UEFA Pro bono counsels for the term 2018-2022:

Carpenter Kevin (England)
Civale Salvatore (Italy)
Garcia Caba Miguel María (Spain)
Himpe Jonathan (Belgium)
Macieirinha Pedro (Portugal)
McCallum Laura (Scotland)
Möller Karl Ole (Sweden)
Papadopoulos Nikolaos (Greece)
Schärer Melanie (Switzerland)
Stângaciu Adrian (Romania)