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EURO focus for French CFM seminar


The third and final seminar of the latest French edition of the UEFA Certificate in Football Management (UEFA CFM) focused fittingly on next summer's UEFA EURO 2016 final tournament.

Graduates at the UEFA CFM seminar in Clairefontaine
Graduates at the UEFA CFM seminar in Clairefontaine ©Adrien Mechali

UEFA's Certificate in Football Management (UEFA CFM) programme not only helps improve management skills across Europe's national associations – it is also helping UEFA staff members gather invaluable experience in preparing for next year's UEFA EURO 2016 final round in France.

A total of 27 participants graduated from the third and final seminar of the CFM's latest French edition, including ten from the French Football Federation (FFF) and eight from regional federations and the French Professional Football League (LFP). The international feel of the CFM programme was enhanced by the presence of two participants from the Football Association of Wales (FAW),  one from the Hellenic Football Federation (EPO) and one from the Royal Netherlands Football Association (KNVB).

The FFF's Clairefontaine technical centre hosted this most recent seminar, followed by a graduation ceremony, and five UEFA staff members participated – not only to get access to the programme but also to encourage networking with colleagues from the FFF as next summer's tournament grows ever closer.

The seminar had an appropriate focus on UEFA EURO 2016. Bertrand Paquette, EURO 2016 SAS country manager, gave a presentation on preparations for the event, taking place at ten venues around France from 10 June to 10 July. UEFA volunteer manager Adrian Feller also highlighted the EURO volunteer programme, which was launched in May, with 6,500 volunteers required across the venues in a wide variety of roles. Event management and the UEFA Champions League organisational model were also on the agenda for the Clairefontaine seminar.

Various national associations are either staging or soon to stage their own national editions of the UEFA CFM, a nine-month programme guaranteeing the overall quality of European football's management. The certificate comprises studies in football organisation, strategy and strategic management, operational management, marketing and sponsorship, communications, media and public relations, and event organisation.

Participants gain skills in management techniques and best practices, which enable them to move into senior executive positions in the future, while also making use of what they have learned through their CFM studies.

Six interactive online modules and three face-to-face seminars are included in the UEFA CFM. Content is always adapted to local conditions while also maintaining the programme's overall values. The Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP), of the University of Lausanne, awards the certificates, and the course has been prepared and is conducted by renowned academics from universities in France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

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