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Melikbekyan elected in Armenia


Armen Melikbekyan has promised transparent leadership after his election as president of the Football Federation of Armenia (FFA).

Armen Melikbekyan
Armen Melikbekyan ©FFK

Armen Melikbekyan has been elected as president of the Football Federation of Armenia (FFA).

The 39-year-old takes over at the association’s helm after working as FFA general secretary since September 2018.

From 1997 to 2002, Melikbekyan studied at the State Linguistic University, following this with PhD studies until 2005. He has gained vast experience as a website journalist and editor over a number of years. From 2003 to 2016, he also worked as a sports analyst on Armenian television services, and has also written for newspapers. He is a member of the UEFA HatTrick Committee.

“I am going to be transparent in my job,” said Melikbekyan after his election. “I am sure that I will be useful for Armenian football, because I love this game”.